About Frank H. Ritz

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So far Frank H. Ritz has created 46 blog entries.

Waiting for Sono Sion

By |2021-12-08T11:51:35+01:00September 17th, 2018|

We ordered a Sono Sion #3912. Sono Motors send us a "Holz Sion" with the order number. Thank you. The car is an ideal platform for IoT and energy / engineering developments in this environment. With a price of 16,000 EUR and the monthly lease of the battery, the vehicle is extremely interesting.

SWISSED 18 Live in Youtube

By |2021-12-08T11:51:23+01:00August 27th, 2018|

This year at the 1st time a live stream provides presentations held at SWISSED. The complete program is provided by the brochure, all links in the blog. SWISSED is a yearly congress organized by the SSSE, the Switzerland chapter of INCOSE.

Moving to Zurich

By |2021-12-08T11:51:01+01:00July 22nd, 2018|

I decided to relocate the business in technology parks in the Mid 2018. But it turned out differently. Now this event is postponed. Now in Zurich, Buchzelgstrasse 47 everything is limited until September 30, 2019. Then we will have another situation.

Crypto Valley Association membership

By |2021-12-08T11:50:53+01:00July 7th, 2018|

The CVA is an independent, government-supported organization located in the Swiss canton of Zug. The mission is to build the world’s leading ecosystem for blockchain and cryptographic technologies in Switzerland. The CVA membership is important for us to integrate our sensors into the blockchain.

Introduction: PMI-ACP® – Exam Preparation

By |2021-12-08T11:49:58+01:00September 20th, 2017|

This is the introductory webinar which informs you about an exam preparation to get the PMI-ACP® certification (webinar is held in English). It explains the PMI-ACP® exam preparation course. The exam prep course is held in conjunction with the partner R.E.P. STS SA (http://www.sts.ch). You harvest 21 PDU in 30 Webinars, 1h each (11 weeks).

Webinar Agile-Management-Ship

By |2019-03-28T13:37:14+01:00February 16th, 2017|

Dieses Webinar richtet sich an alle, die mit Agilität umgehen und den Bedarf an Einführung, persönliches Erleben oder Teambildung in einer analogen Umgebung haben. Wir bieten Segeltörns zur Verbesserung der Teamfähigkeit von Teams und Segeltörns zum Erfahrungstraining von Managementpersönlichkeiten im Sinne des Agilen Manifests an.

Introduction: PMI-ACP® – Exam Preparation

By |2019-03-28T13:40:01+01:00February 12th, 2017|

This is the introductory webinar which informs you about an exam preparation to get the PMI-ACP® certification (webinar is held in English). It explains the PMI-ACP® exam preparation course. The exam prep course is held in conjunction with the partner R.E.P. STS SA (http://www.sts.ch). You harvest 21 PDU in 30 Webinars, 1h each (11 weeks).

Introduction: Tradestation® Easy Language Strategy Development

By |2019-03-28T13:40:16+01:00February 10th, 2017|

Have you always wanted to trade stocks and derivatives safely, robustly and automatically? You want to leave this to a tested algorithm? You want to be out of the market overnight? You want to program the strategy yourself? We show the basics of the Tradestation® Platform and explain how to build robust strategies and indicators for your use.

Einführung: Tradestation® Easy Language Strategie Entwicklung

By |2019-03-28T13:40:29+01:00February 10th, 2017|

Sie wollen Aktien und Derivate sicher, robust und automatisiert handeln? Sie wollen das einem geprüften Algorithmus überlassen? Sie wollen über Nacht wieder aus dem Markt sein? Sie wollen die Strategie selbst programmieren? Wir zeigen die Grundlagen der Tradestation® Platform auf und erklären wie man robuste Strategien und Indikatoren selbst bauen kann.

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